What to Do with Your Mouth to Sound American 你的嘴巴要怎样做才能说好美式英语
One of the main differences between the way an American talks and the way the rest of the world talks is that we don’t really move our lips. (So, when an American says, "Read my lips!" what does he really mean?) We create most of our sounds in the throat, using our tongue very actively. If you hold your fingers over your lips or clench your jaws when you practice speaking American English, you will find yourself much closer to native-sounding speech than if you try to pronounce every … single … sound … very … carefully. 美国人说话方式与世界上其它地方的人说话方式的主要区别之一就是我们不怎么动嘴唇。(所以当一个美国人说“看我的嘴型!”,他到底在表达什么?)我们大多数的发音都是由喉咙产生,再加上非常活跃的舌部运动。如果你在练习美式英语的时候把你的手放在你的嘴唇上或者紧紧握住你的下巴,你会发现相比你一个音一个音很仔细地发出来,你会更接近地道的发音。
If you can relate American English to music, remember that the indigenous music is jazz. Listen to their speech music, and you will hear that Americans have a melodic, jazzy way of producing sounds. Imagine the sound of a cello when you say, Beddy bada bida bedder budder (Betty bought a bit of better butter) and you’ll be close to the native way of saying it. 如果你能够把美式英语跟音乐联系起来,要记着美国本土的音乐是爵士。听他们语言的韵律,你会发现美国人有一种带有旋律的、爵士味的发音方式。想象一个大提琴的声音,同时说“Beddy bada bida bedder budder (Betty bought a bit of better butter)”,你就会非常接近地道的说法。
Because most Americans came from somewhere else, American English reflects the accent contributions of many lands. The speech music has become much more exaggerated than British English, developing a strong and distinctive intonation. If you use this intonation, not only will you be easier to understand, but you will sound much more confident, dynamic, and persuasive. 由于大多美国人来自别的地方,美式英语能反映出许多国家的口音。比起英式英语,语言的韵律已经变得更加夸张,产生了一种非常深厚而且独特的语调。如果你使用这种语调,不仅容易被别人听懂,而且你会听起来更加自信、有活力和有说服力。
Intonation, or speech music, is the sound that you hear when a conversation is too far away to be clearly audible but close enough for you to tell the nationality of the speakers. The American intonation dictates liaisons and pronunciation, and it indicates mood and meaning. Without intonation, your speech would be flat, mechanical, and very confusing for your listener. What is the American intonation pattern? How is it different from other languages? Foa egzampuru, eefu you hea ah Jahpahneezu pahsohn speakingu Ingurishu, the sound would be very choppy, mechanical, and unemotional to an American. Za sem vey vis Cheuman pipples, it sounds too stiff. A mahn frohm Paree ohn zee ahzer ahnd, eez intonashon goes up at zee end ov evree sentence, and has such a strong intonation that he sounds romantic and highly emotional, but this may not be appropriate for a lecture or a business meeting in English. 当一个对话远到听不清,但尚足以判断说话者的国籍,这时你听到的就是语调(或者说语言的韵律)。美语语调指示出连音与发音,并且能表现出情绪与意义。如果没有语调,你说的话就会很单调、机械,让你的听众很费解。美语语调的模式是什么?它跟其它语言有什么不同?例如,若你听到一个日本人说英语,他的发音在美国人听起来就会觉得非常突兀、机械和没有感情。德国人也是类似,听起来很僵硬。另外,一个来自巴黎的人他的语调在每句话最后都会升起来,并且有着深厚的语调,让人感觉非常浪漫并且富有感情。但这在讲台上或者商务会议上就不是恰当的英语了。
李敖就是个很好的例子,他被人们称为大师,自己也经常夸赞自己。他在很多言论中体现出他的阅读量之大,并且对英文单词的把握也特别到位。比如他曾讲过proud这个单词,我们可以查到它有“骄傲的”和“感到光荣的”两个意思。英文当中有一种说法是“I’m so proud of you”,有很多人的翻译是“我以你为傲”或者“我为你感到骄傲”。李敖说“骄傲”是个贬义词,而这句话是要表达一种褒义。那这种翻译肯定是有问题的了。
At first I thought it would be easier to write this book than the one for BOCOG. But I was wrong. I haven’t been feeling like this for more than 10 years, I guess. It’s just like the last night of my summber vacation when I hadn’t done any homework yet. It happened a lot when I was in primary school. I never finished my home work for the summer vacations and winter vacations since middle school. Cuz since then I didn’t care about it anymore. Now the girls from the publisher call me every now and then to check out the progress. I have to finish the book as soon as I can. Every day these days is just like the last days of my childhood vacations. The only difference is that I can never cry while writing as I did back then. When am I gonna finish it? Oh, God!
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