
其实我就是想正常使用网络,我不用它来煽动什么。尤其我从事的是跟英语教学相关的工作,需要从网络上搜集大量的信息。举个最简单的例子吧,有一套非常著名的英语语音语调方面的教程,叫American Accent Training,简称AAT。在中国,英语的语音语调方面就没有什么值得一提的研究成果,就更不要说类似于这套教程之类的应用了,所以这套教程我经常会推荐给我的学生使用。但是我想不通的是,这个教程的官方网站:http://www.americanaccent.com不知是哪里出了问题了,竟然也被封锁了。你叫我不翻墙怎么办啊!真让人恼火,真想当面问一下这幕后的人,你脑子出问题了吗?





As a revolutionary browser, it will give back power of Internet to its users. Usejump is a secure and fast web browser based on webkit that helps users access information anytime and anywhere beyond filtering and censorship.

To make web browsing experience safer and faster by using P2P and encryption technologies based on open standards. Usejump is seeking to be the first truly social network aware browser.

While with flourishing of internet and social networking, everyday peoples build more and more trust and relationship with others, at the same time governments find the internet as direct opposition of their interests. So, here comes the filtering and information censorship. For years and centuries those who have the power ( governments, politicians , etc… ) trying to control the access of people to information by controlling over books, newspapers, medias , news , TV and so on. but today we have opportunity for the first time to stand up against all and say NO.

Our mission with the Usejump is to make this possible with the power of internet and technologies that we have in the hand, but is not possible without you as someone how(原文是how,但我猜测应该是who) believe in the spirit of open access to information for anyone, we need you, be there for everyone of us.

0 Replies to “最方便的翻墙装备Usejump”

  1. Very Pity,This software worked two days ago. Now it has been GFWed. It doesn’t work anymore.……

    1. Right. Mine doesn\’t work too. I thought it would be a powerful tool, but GFW is too strong…

  2. Very Pity,This software worked two days ago. Now it has been GFWed. It doesn\’t work anymore.……


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