口语交际任务 – Oral Communication Tasks

从实用的角度来讲,学习一门语言就是为了能通过这个工具来实现不同个体之间的互动,尤其是一门外语能让一个人的互动范围扩大很多。如果能较为全面的列出人们不同个体间通用的那些交际活动,可以使学习一门新的语言的目标更加明确。把这些通用的交际活动转化为学习时的交际任务(Communication Tasks),在学习时围绕这些任务去用各种手段去练习,这样更能使学习一门语言更加高效。(但需要声明:我个人没有为也不喜欢为所谓实用的目的来学习)



Here is a suggested taxonomy for oral communication task types, not in any order of importance.
以下是一个值得推荐的口语交际任务类型的分类,不是按重要性排序的 。

  • Providing extended answers to oral questions.
  • Asking and answering questions about diagrams or other visual representations of information.
  • Asking for information to solve problems or complete a job-related task.
  • Making requests and observing conventions of politeness.
  • Sustaining short conversations using informal register[s].
  • Managing the various aspects of a conversation [opening, turn taking, nominating a topic, repairing misunderstanding by asking for clarification or by repeating or rephrasing, linking ideas, adjusting the message, & closing].
  • Passing on messages that can be restructured to distinguish between factual content and interpretation.
  • Sustaining a conversation for a short period of time in order to gather information about a specific situation or to perform a work-related task or function.
  • Using the language of meetings [presenting, agreeing & disagreeing, questioning, interrupting, expressing an opinion, summarizing] to express himself in job-related situations.
  • Issuing straightforward instructions.
  • Using appropriate natural language [less formal vocabulary, contractions, discourse markers, ellipsis & elision] of spoken modes.
  • Listening to extended semi-formal and informal explanations.
  • Understanding what degrees of urgency or obligation attach to requests.
  • Demonstrating an understanding of regulations by reformulating them in own words
  • Understanding an audiotape or video-tape on a familiar topic.
  • Explaining the gist and the step-by-step details of a diagram or graphic with appropriate descriptive language.
  • Orally paraphrasing text when necessary.
  • Giving an extended explanation involving steps, problem-solution structure, and description of a piece of equipment or a tool or a familiar abstract concept.
  • Listening to lectures and formal presentations with a clear structure.
  • Listening to lectures and formal presentations with digressions.
  • Reading aloud short purposeful texts.


0 Replies to “口语交际任务 – Oral Communication Tasks”

  1. So tedious and boring. The list is just detailed instructions…alone are useless.
    IF you start to communicate with others and apply to respects of your life, you will face the situations listed on the article.

    You are forced to, or say, you have to speak, be misunderstood, clarify, correct, extend your ideas. THAT’s what a speaker did , do and will do.

    The desire to expression is fully strong ; it will lead you to speak , to learn, to fulfill. WHILE you really forget that thing named “Oral Communication Tasks”.

    That’s what a language for: exchange of ideas; communication.

      1. Here “Oral Communication Tasks” is a term. Our teachers need to know what that term really means. When the teachers have a whole picture about different kinds of oral communication tasks, they can use what you said about oral communication as a guidance to coach the students in those different tasks.

    1. You are right. As the article says this list is just a “taxonomy” of the communication tasks. I posted it here was just for a reference. It was not intended to be used as a learning method or anything. A language learner, especially a beginner, doesn’t need to know this. I’m discussing some theories in SLA with our teachers recently and everyone is vague about “communication tasks”. That’s why we want a list of them.

      1. Thank you for sharing the background information.

        Most teachers I have encountered are lack of theories, if any, one. (Apparently, you are not include. I appreciate your desire to learn new. :)They have valued teaching skills more than teaching itself. For a newcomer student, it may be enough and qualified to show off; while for a student making progress, it may be not.

        As a guidance, this article you posted may play a integral part in class, e.g. teaching tasks organization.

        I wish your teaching team harvest pleasure in learning.
        We cannot change the world, but the part we touch.

    2. You are right. As the article says this list is just a “taxonomy” of the communication tasks. I posted it here was just for a reference. It was not intended to be used as a learning method or anything. A language learner, especially a beginner, doesn\’t need to know this. I\’m discussing some theories in SLA with our teachers recently and everyone is vague about “communication tasks”. That\’s why we want a list of them.

  2. So tedious and boring. The list is just detailed instructions…alone are useless.
    IF you start to communicate with others and apply to respects of your life, you will face the situations listed on the article.

    You are forced to, or say, you have to speak, be misunderstood, clarify, correct, extend your ideas. THAT\’s what a speaker did , do and will do.

    The desire to expression is fully strong ; it will lead you to speak , to learn, to fulfill. WHILE you really forget that thing named “Oral Communication Tasks”.

    That\’s what a language for: exchange of ideas; communication.


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