- 都谁有Wave啊,我有了但是里面没几个Contacts,很没意思啊,有谁已经有了Wave就加一下我吧,一起玩玩。 [email protected] #
- Could anyone add me to his/her contacts in google wave? I just received one but don’t have any contacts to wave with. [email protected] #
- Sorry, posted a wrong address. My wave is [email protected] #
- Google Wave is not smooth enough. #
- 怎么才能把被我加进一条Wave的人删掉啊?那个Remove的按键按不了。 #
- How do I remove a contact from a wave after I added him? The “Remove ###” button is unclickable. #
- 用了Wave之后,我感觉我不怎么来看Twitter了,尽管Wave现在用起来卡得让人抓狂。 #
- RT 哈哈,这是我发明的方法。@Ray_Cai: Googlewave的publicwave reply过多会十分卡,所以以后直接edit加上分割线+名字+要说的话,一举两得。 #
- 组合拳上网fg+tor+gpass/skype,我们要发扬艰苦奋斗的精神! #
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